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Getting Started

Compose a slideshow

Here the quick steps:

  1. Chose "File", "New" from the menu bar.
  2. Chose "piXflow", "Mount Image Library" from the menu bar. Here you chose a directory that holds your images. Of course the directory can have subdirectories with other images, these will become browsable automaticly.
  3. On the left hand you now can see the directory tree. If you choose a directory you will see all the contained images on the right. If you choos a directory for the first time, you have to be a bit patient, since piXflow has to calculate thumbnails for your images. These will be stored on disc for future use.
  4. Doubleclick the images that you want to insert into your slideshow. You will see the added images in the lower half.
  5. Now you can save your slideshow using the menu "File", "Save as ..."

Play a slideshow

  1. Chose "piXflow", "Play ..." or "piXflow", "Play full screen" from the menu bar.
  2. You can manipulate the player with the buttons or with the context menu that appears when you click the right mouse button.